This time i will write in English to let everybody understand it...thanks everybody for comments received :)
So, what the hell am i doing at 4.18 a.m. writing here? i have no idea but i couldn't sleep...
A lot of things happened in such a short time! I'm back here in Darmstadt, to continue this amazing experience and this way we are...
I arrived on Sunday and there's something important about what nobody realizes... on Sunday every shop is closed... did you have some food on your fridge? I didn't :S
Because of that i spoke with 2 other spanish guys to eat together...each of us took something and at last could we eat something...
After that the day seemed unbelievable.... let's unpack two suitcases and clean up the room after that.... so interesting....
Now did you have some food for your dinner...i didn't.... so let's go to Vapiano to eat to catch the last bus and go back home tired enough to sleep all night (maybe i'll do it now to see if i can sleep just a bit).
Next day, people coming...
All people began to appear here again... but i had to buy some food...or if you say some food you mean going to Aldi to buy food enough to fill a backpack and a Mömax bag.... :S ... And you should go back home!
That was some kind of adventure.... but luckily had i some help...
What else could we do? Not so much.... try to prepare some things for the next day lessons, tandem, and let's dinner... also i fixed a computer
Nothing else but today (ok, yesterday because for me the day is not ended...) the day was not funny at all....
Can you get up early in the morning go to the worst lesson ever, then work a bit, stay for 3 hours with a professor to finish a project, do not eat, clean the bathroom, try to install a printer which didn't work and stay in a good mood? I didn't...
but i tried... and i ate dinner with friends and stay with them until 1 a.m. or so and had the best time ever (as always ;) )....
After're my wonderwall.... no, that's not what i meant... it was... after all i said: I won't go out tonight because i should go to my lesson tomorrow at 8am... and hear i am... i cannot sleep....
I never did it before and have always slept.... now i know what to do...
There were not so much to tell but i hope you enjoyed it!
I'll write soon again! See you!
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